Homemade Indian Naan Bread

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Naan bread is mainly eaten in Asia (eg. In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan) and the Orient (eg. Iran). Usually as a side dish to hot food like tandoori chicken. By adding yoghurt and yeast, the naan bread is clearly different from other Indian breads & is known beyond the borders of India and prebaked available in many supermarkets.

In today’s post I will show you how to bake delicious Indian Naan Bread at home. Have fun baking!

Homemade: Homemade Indian Naan Bread
Difficulty: Easy – Medium
Preparation Time: 2 hours
Our Recipe rating:

Homemade Indian Naan Bread

Homemade Indian Naan Bread

Ingredients for about 8 Indian Naan Breads:

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 200 milliliters of lukewarm milk
  • 125 grams of yoghurt
  • 25 grams of ghee
  • ¼ cube of yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Oil for frying

Required kitchen gadgets, helper & preparations:

  • High vessel for stirring the yeast-water mixture
  • Whisk or fork
  • Possibly a food processor
  • Mixing bowl
  • Kitchen towel
  • Knife
  • Rolling pin
  • Frying pan
  • Brush

Instructions for the homemade naan breads:

For the yeast dough, crumble ¼ cube of yeast into a tall container, add 1 tablespoon of sugar & 200 milliliters of lukewarm milk & then stir with a whisk or fork until the yeast and sugar have dissolved. Put 500 grams of flour in a mixing bowl, pour in the yeast-milk mixture, also add 1 teaspoon of salt, 25 grams of clarified butter (room temperature) and 125 grams of yogurt.

Knead everything with a food processor or your hands for about 5 minutes to form a smooth dough, then form a ball out of the dough, place the dough ball back in the mixing bowl and cover with a kitchen towel and let it rest in a warm place for 30 – 60 minutes until the dough has significantly increased in volume.

After the resting time, place the dough on the worktop and knead it with your hands again for 1 – 2 minutes, then cut it into 8 pieces of approximately the same size with a knife. Then shape or round each piece of dough under the palms of your hands and with circular movements into small balls, then roll out all the dough balls with a rolling pin into flat and oval dough cakes.

Heat a pan over low to medium heat & add a small splash of oil. Spread the oil in the pan with a brush so that the bottom of the pan is covered with a light layer of oil, place the naan breads in the pan one after the other and cook for about 2 minutes on one side and then another 2 minutes on the other side until golden brown bake.

Then arrange the naan bread on a plate and best serve it warm with, for example, tandoori chicken. Have fun imitating!

Video Tutorial:

Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):

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