Bread & Apple Pie with Vanilla Sauce

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I bake today: Bread & Apple Pie with Vanilla Sauce
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Category: Dessert Recipes, Sweets & More
Our Recipe rating:

Bread & Apple Pie with Vanilla Sauce

Bread & Apple Pie with Vanilla Sauce

Bread & Apple Pie with Vanilla Sauce

Bread & Apple Pie with Vanilla Sauce

Ingredients for 6 servings:

…for the bread & apple pie :

  • 1 old roll/bun
  • ½ apple
  • 30 grams of raisins
  • 30 grams of sliced almonds
  • 1 egg
  • 125 milliliters of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • Butter
  • Powdered sugar

…for the vanilla sauce:

  • 200 milliliters of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • ½ vanilla bean

Kitchen Helper/Gadgets:

  • Muffin tin
  • Large pot & matching bowl for the double boiler
  • A small pot
  • Whisk


…preparations for the vanilla sauce:

Seperate 2 eggs into whites and yolks (here is required only the yolk). Slit ½ vanilla bean lengthwise, then scrape out the seeds with a knife.

…for the vanilla sauce:

Heat up a small pot with 200 milliliters of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, the vanilla seeds and the scraped pod and bring to a simmer while stirring. Then remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool for about 5 minutes.

Put the egg yolks in a bowl, pour in the slightly cooled vanilla milk and whisk up over a double boiler for about 3 – 4 minutens until frothy. Once the sauce begins to thicken, remove bowl from the double boiler and continue stirring for about 1 minutes to avoid the sauce to stick to the bottom of the bowl. Then set aside.

…preparations for the bread & apple pies:

Preheat the oven to 180°C (top/bottom heat). Grease a muffin tin with a little butter. Cut the old roll/bun into thin slices or chunks. Core the apple and also cut into thin slices. In a small bowl tir together 1 egg, 125 milliliters of milk, 1 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt with a whisk.

…for the bread & apple pies:

First line the muffin tin with a few slices of bread, then cover the bread with a few slices of apple & a few raisins & sliced almonds. Now again top with a few slices of bread until the muffin cups are completely filled. Finally again a few sliced almonds and raisins, then pour over with a good gulp of the milk-egg mixture.

Bake the bread & apple pie in the preheated oven oven for about 20 – 25 minutes until brown and crispy. Lift the Bread & Apple Pies carefully out of the muffin tin and dish out on plates. Sprinkle with a bit powdered sugar and serve along with the vanilla sauce. Bon Appetite!

Video Tutorial:

Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):

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