Duplo is a chocolate bar consisting of a waffle core with nut-nougat filling & coated with milk chocolate.
In today’s post I will show you how to make a Giant Duplo Bar at home. Have fun baking!
Cooked/Baked today: Homemade Giant Duplo Bar
Difficulty: Medium
Preparation Time: 4 hours (incl. cooling time)
Our Recipe rating:

Homemade Giant Duplo
Ingredients for 1 Homemade Giant Duplo:
- 400 grams milk chocolate
- 200 grams cut-resistant nut-nougat
- 150 grams dark chocolate
- 100 grams nutella
- 1 large waffle sheet
- 10 grams solidified coconut fat
Required kitchen gadgets, helper & preparations:
- Loaf pan (length ~30cm)
- Stable and flexible cardboard or plastic plate (dimensions ~ 30cm x 20cm)
- Cling film
- 1 – 2 tablespoons oil to grease the loaf pan
- Saucepan to melt the nougat mixture
- Pot + suitable bowl for the double boiler or use a microwave to melt chocolate
- Brush
- Knife
- Teaspoon
- Whisk or spatula to stir together nougat mixture
- Baking paper
- 2 equal high coffee mugs
Instructions for the Homemade Duplo Bar:
Place the stable & flexible plastic plate into the baking pan so that a rounding occurs at the bottom of the mold. Then grease the mold with about 1 tablespoon of oil and line as smooth as possible with a sheet of cling film.
For the waffle core first melt 50 grams of dark chocolate over a double boiler or in the microwave. Then cut the wafer sheet with a knife into 2 strips with a width of 6,5cm & 2 strips with a width of 7cm.

Stacking Waffle Strips
Next, with a brush spread about half of the melted chcolate onto one of each waffle strip & glue the second strips onto them.
…for the nut-nougat filling:
Give 200 grams cut-resistant nut-nougat, 100 grams dark chocolate & 100 grams nutella into a saucepan & allow to melt over low heat while stirring constantly with a whisk or spatula to avoid from burning at the pot’s bottom. Once everything is completely melted & well combined remove the saucepan from heat.
…for the giant Duplo:
Pour a bit more than one third of the melted nougat mixture into the prepared loaf pan & carefully shake back and forth to ensure that the mixture spread evenly at the mold’s bottom.

Homemade Giant Duplo Bar
Next, carefully press the smaller waffle strip onto the nougat mixture & allow the loaf pan to harden in the fridge for about 25 minutes.
Then get the loaf pan out of the fridge pour in the remaining nougat mixture & gently press on the second waffle strip. After that allow the nougat to harden in the fridge for another 25 minutes.
Melt 150 grams of milk chocolate, pour onto the waffle layer & spread evenly with a brush. Then allow to harden in the fridge for one last hour, so the chocolate & nougat have time to set completely.
…for the pattern & chocolate coating:
Get the Duplo out of the fridge & carefully overthrow onto the countertop. Remove the cling film & then use a teaspoon to carve in the typical pattern by inscribing wavy strips onto the surface.

Homemade Giant Duplo Bar
After that line the countertop with a baking paper, centrally place 2 equal high coffee mugs onto it & carefully put the Duplo onto the mugs. Melt another 250 grams milk chocolate & stir together with about 10 grams of solidified coconut fat until the chocolate is really smooth & fluid. Then pour the chcolate over the Duplo until the whole bar is coated with milk chocolate.
Then gently lift up the bar with your hands & carefully shake it back and forth, so that the excess chocolate can drip off & the inscribed pattern can be seen better.
Allow the chocolate to harden, then remove the chocolate tips at the bottom with a knife and serve the giant Duplo afterwards.
I wish you lots of fun baking 😉
Video Tutorial:
Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):
Hervorragender Beitrag und einen wirklich schönen Blog hast du hier! Ich werde sicherlich öfter mal vorbeischauen! 🙂
Klingt nach einem guten Rezept, eine Frage hätte ich. Ich würde so einen Schokoriegel gerne aus dunkler Schokolade machen, muss ich da auf etwas besonderes achten, oder funktioniert es genau wie dieses Rezept nur statt der Vollmilch Schokolade, würde ich mehr Dunkle Schokolade benutzen?
Schöne Grüße!