In today’s post I show you a simple recipe for soft & delicious currant buns, which do not need to hide from the bakery ones.
The buns consist of a fluffy yeast dough & are larded with sweet currants. Have fun baking!
Cooked/Baked today: Baking Currant Buns
Difficulty: Easy – Medium
Preparation Time: 2 hours (inclusive resting time)
Category: Baking Recipes, Bread & Bun Recipes, Yeast Dough
Our Recipe rating:

Baking Currant Buns
Ingredients for 10 currant buns:
- 500 grams flour
- 225 milliliters milk
- 150 grams currants
- 2 eggs
- 50 soft butter
- 50 grams sugar
- ½ cube of fresh yeast
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Additional flour for the countertop
Required kitchen gadgets, helper & preparations:
- High container to stir together yeast-milk-mixture
- Whisk or fork
- Kitchen machine or mixer with dough hook
- Mixing bowl
- Kitchen towel
- Knife
- Cup to whisk up the egg
- Brush
…for the yeast dough:
Crumble ½ cube of fresh yeast into a high container & pour in 225 milliliters lukewarm milk. Next, add 50 grams of sugar & 1 sachet of vanilla sugar, then stir together with a whisk or fork until sugar & yeast have completely dissolved.

Preparing Yeast Dough
In a mixing bowl combine yeast-milk-mixture along with 500 grams flour, 50 grams soft butter, 150 grams currants, 1 egg & 1 teaspoon salt with a kitchen machine or mixer with dough hook for about 4 – 5 minutes until you got a slightly sticky dough.
Next, give the dough onto a slightly floured working top & knead by pulling from the outside inwards until the whole dough is coated with a light flour layer & does not stick to the fingers anymore.
Then give the dough a ball shape, lay it back to the mixing bowl & allow to rest covered with a kitchen towel for about 30 – 45 minutes in a warm place. The dough’s volume should nearly double in size during the resting period.

Shaping Currant Buns
…for the currant buns:
After the resting time thoroughly knead the dough again on a slightly floured working top, then use a knife to cut the dough into 10 equal sized pieces & form each dough piece into small balls afterwards.
Place the dough balls with some distance to each other on a lined baking tray (best only 5 buns per tray) & then allow to rest covered with a kitchen towel for another 30 – 45 minutes in a warm place.

Baking Currant Buns
Timely preheat the oven to 200°C (top/bottom heat), also with a fork whisk up 1 egg in a cup. Evenly brush the currant buns with the whisked egg mixture & bake in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes until golden brown.
Get the done currant buns out of the oven, allow to cool on a wire rack & then best serve still warm.
I wish you lots of fun baking 😉
Video Tutorial:
Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):
Mmhhh, klingt sehr lecker.
Werde ich gleich kommendes Wochenende ausprobieren .
Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar & Viel Spass beim Ausprobieren. Vielleicht schickst du mir ja ein Bild vom Ergebnis via Instagram mit dem #ichkocheheute 😉
Das sind die besten Rosinenbrötchen, die ich bis jetzt gebacken habe.
Für mich kommt kein anderes Rezept mehr in Frage !
Vielen Dank fürs einstellen.
Das freut mich! Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
Die Rosinenbrötchen sehen sehr super lecker aus ich probiere es morgen auch aus danke
Looks delicious! I was in Bavaria last year and had a similar roll that was spiced. What spices German style could I add? There was no cinnamon. Thank you
Thank you! My daughter loved these when we lived there. Now we will make them here in Florida. We very much enjoyed living in Germany.
I followed the recipe exactly and they turned out just as we remember. Thank you so much for the recipe and video.
Vielen dank für dieses großartige und köstliche Rezept! Die besten Brötchen überhaupt und das Rezept gelingt immer.👌
Das freut mich! Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
Genial die schmecken hervorragend. Die Bestenrosinenbrötchen die ich je selbst gebacken habe. Das Rezept backe ich bestimmt wieder. Habe es in meinem persönlichen Backordner aufgenommen.