Sausage Bread Rolls

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In today’s post I will show you a super simple recipe for sausage bread rolls or sausages in a hot dog bun. The dough is portioned, then wrapped around the sausages & baked.

The sausage bread rolls are ideal party food and a hit on every buffet. Have fun baking!

Cooked/Baked today: Sausage Bread Rolls
Difficulty: Easy – Medium
Preparation Time: 1 hour & 30 minutes
Category: Main Dishes, Fast Food, Recipes with Meat, Hot Dog Recipes, Bread Recipes
Our Recipe rating:

Sausage Bread Rolls

Sausage Bread Rolls

Ingredients for 8 Sausage Bread Rolls:

  • 8 sausages
  • 400 grams flour
  • 225 milliliters water
  • 1 teaspoon each of salt & sugar
  • ½ cube fresh yeast (about 20 grams)
  • 1 egg

Required kitchen gadgets, helper & preparations:

  • Tall container for yeast water mixture
  • Whisk
  • Mixing bowl
  • Kitchen machine or mixer
  • Kitchen towel
  • Baking tray + baking paper
  • Small bowl
  • Brush


…for dough:

Crumble ½ cube of yeast into a tall container, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 225 milliliters of lukewarm water and mix everything with a whisk or a fork until the yeast and sugar have completely dissolved.

Preparing Dough

Preparing Dough

Then put the yeast-water mixture along with 400 grams flour & 1 teaspoon of salt into a mixing bowl and knead with a food processor or mixer with dough hooks for about 4 – 5 minutes until a smooth dough.

…for sausage bread rolls:

Then cut the dough into 8 pieces of approximately the same size with a knife, shape all dough pieces one after the other into a long string under the palms of your hands (approximately twice the length of the sausages) & then wrap tightly around the sausages.

Baking Sausage Bread Rolls

Baking Sausage Bread Rolls

Place the done sausage rolls with a bit distance to each other on a baking sheet lined with baking paper & allow to rest covered with a kitchen towel for 30 – 45 minutes in a warm place .

Preheat the oven to 200°C (top/bottom heat) in good time. Whisk an egg in a small bowl and prepare. After the resting period, brush the rolls with whisked egg and bake for 15 – 20 minutes in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Take the finished rolls out of the oven, let them cool briefly & serve best warm. Have fun baking!

Video Tutorial:

Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):

One Reply to “Sausage Bread Rolls”

  1. Hello all,

    ich habe das Rezept heute das zweite Mal probiert, bei mir war jedoch die Flüssigkeit immer zu viel. In den sehr feuchten Teig, der sich am Schüsselboden sammelte und auch nach 6 Minuten kneten durch die Küchenmaschine sich nicht “überreden” ließ davon loszukommen, musste ich ca 70-100 g Dinkelmehl nachschütten, dann ging es. Beim nächsten Mal werde ich erstmal mit 150 ml anfangen. Wer den Teig ausrollen möchte kann sich auf etwas Arbeit einrichten, denn der Teig ist doch recht widerspenstig und zieht sich gerne zusammen bzw. geht schwerfällig auseinander, dafür bleibt er so gzt wie gar nicht kleben, top!. Dass du den Teig erst nach dem Wickeln gehen lässt, ist natürlich ein super Trick die späteren Brötchen luftig zu bekommen.
    Und es schmeckt!



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