A Kinder Joy consists of two egg-shaped shells with an edible part and a surprise part on the other side. The edible part consists of milk cream, cocoa cream & 2 crispy balls, which are very similar to the Giotto balls.
In today’s post I will show you how to make a Giant Kinder Joy at home. Have fun baking!
Cooked/Baked today: Homemade Giant Kinder Joy
Difficulty: Medium – Difficult
Preparation Time: 5 hours (incl. cooling times)
Our Recipe rating:

Homemade Giant Kinder Joy
Ingredients for 1 Homemade Giant Kinder Joy:
…for the surprise egg:
- 200 grams milk chocolate
- 200 grams white chocolate
…for the crispy balls:
- 250 grams nutella
- 100 grams milk chocolate
- 75 grams hazelnut brittle
- 1 large waffle sheet
…for the milk & cocoa cream:
- 200 grams sweetened condensed milk
- 150 grams white chocolate
- 200 grams nutella
Required kitchen gadgets, helper & preparations:
- Large pot + suitable bowl for the double boiler or microwave to melt the chocolate
- Silicone mold for hemispheres (approx. 8cm diameter)
- Brush
- Piping bag
- Silicone or plastic egg (31x25x9cm)
- Glove or freezer bag
- Baking paper
- Mixing bowl
- Bowl to stir together milk cream
- Microwave
Instructions for the Homemade Giant Kinder Joy:
…preparations for the crispy balls:
Melt 50 grams milk chocolate over a double boiler or in the microwave & brush 4 molds of the hemisphere silicone mold with the melted chocolate.
Next, break a large waffle sheet into small pieces & line the chocolatey molds with the waffles pieces until all 4 molds are lined as good as possible,then briefly set aside (or in the fridge) to set.

Preparations for the Crispy Balls
Then transfer 200 grams Nutella to a piping bag, fill the hemisphere molds with Nutella, smooth down with a spoon & allow to set in the freezer for 1 – 2 hours.
…for the chocolatey surprise egg:
Melt another 200 grams milk chocolate over a double boiler or in the microwave & pour into the plastic egg mold.
Carefully shake, toss & turn the mold back & forth to spread the chocolate evenly up to the rim until the whole mold is covered with an even chocolate layer. Then allow the chocolate to harden for about 30 minutes (possibly in the fridge).

For The Chocolatey Surprise Egg
Afterwards melt 200 grams white chocolate, pour into the egg mold & spread evenly by shaking, turning & tossing the mold carefully back & forth until the mold is covered with an additional white chocolate layer.
Danach 200 Gramm weiße Schokolade schmelzen, ebenfalls in die Ei-Form gießen & durch vorsichtiges hin und her schwenken bzw. drehen gleichmäßig verteilen bis die Form mit einer zusätzlichen weißen Schokoladenschicht bedeckt ist.
Set the chocolatey surprise egg aside to harden completely (possibly in the fridge). Then line the countertop with a sheet baking paper, carefully overthrow the egg mold onto the lined countertop & allow the done & hardened chocolate egg to slide.
…for the crispy balls:
Get the silicone mold out of the freezer & “plop out” the hemispheres. Then spread one of the hemispheres with a tablespoon Nutella & stick together to a ball with another hemisphere.

Sticking Together Crispy Balls
Next, melt another 50 grams milk chocolate & brush the Nutella balls all around with the melted chocolate (best use a glove or freezer bag for that). Finally prepare a mixing bowl adding 75 grams hazelnut brittle & give the chocolatey Nutella balls into the bowl to coat, then set aside.
…for the milk & cocoa cream filling:
Carefully turn the chocolatey surprise egg once (best with gloves), add 200 grams Nutella to the egg & smooth down as good as possible.

Preparing Milk & Cocoa Cream
For the milk cream combine 150 grams white chocolate & 200 grams sweetened condensed milk in a small bowl & microwave for about 45 – 60 seconds at 700 watts.
Get the bowl out of the microwave, stir together with a spoon & possibly microwave for another 30 – 45 seconds until you got a nicely thick cream.
…for the giant Kinder Joy:
Allow the cream to cool a bit, also pour in the egg & smooth down evenly. Make sure the cream is not too warm anymore to avoid the chocolate egg from melting.

Completing the Kinder Joy
Finally place the 2 crispy balls into the egg & allow to sink bit in the milk cream. Done!
I wish you lots of fun baking 😉
Video Tutorial:
Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):
Wow!!! I can’t wait to try!!
Wo bekommt man denn diese Eiform? 😅
Woher bekommt man eine Eiform aus Kunststoff oder Silikon (31x25x9cm)?
kauf dir eine
Die Milchcreme hat überhaupt nicht funktioniert! Wir haben es mehrmals versucht, aber es hat nie geklappt! Für uns war das einfach nur eine Verschwendung der Zeit und von Lebensmitteln! Größe Enttäuschung! Von uns, nicht zu empfehlen!
Dann habt ihr was falsch gemacht.
Weil die Creme ist toll geworden
Fantastic recipe! Made this for my daughter, she requested a giant kinder for her birthday cake… this was exactly what I needed!! She is going to love it, can’t wait!
Thanks from Florida
Wo finde ich denn die Form für das Ei??
Bin jetzt fast fertig damit, es war sehr anstrengend und schwierig aber hab es geschafft 🥲😂
Schmeckt wie scheiße, sieht aus wie scheiße richtiger fail 🤬
ich finde das mega lecker
Danke für das Rezept, es schmeckt wirklich sehr gut 👍🏻.
Ich habe anstatt die großen Kugeln selber zumachen mehrer kleine Giotto Kugeln raufgemacht und es schmeckt echt super 👍🏻.
Vielen Dank 🙏
Das ist auch eine gute Idee 👍🏻 Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
Hi i bin die lala i hob das Gesa und musst Lachs hahahahahahaha so a Quatsch Hatschi
Komentar ahaahaahaha
Deutschland sinkt in allen pfronten🤘
Wie beasoffen kann man bidde sein?
Offensichtlich am meisten in der Rechtschreibung
Wo finde ich denn die Form für das Ei??
Wo bekomme ich die Form für das Ei?
Z.B. im Internet!
Hier zum Beispiel!
Die weiße Creme hat überhaupt nicht funktioniert – nur flüssige Pampe.