Oven-Baked Cheese Spaetzle with Fried Eggs

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In today’s post I’ll show you one of my absolute favorite dishes & we cook homemade cheese spaetzle. I’ll show you a simple preparation for this in the oven, so the cheese spaetzle are on the table for everyone at the same time.

In addition to the cheese spaetzle, we prepare fried eggs, which are also beaten into the baking pan and cooked in the oven to the end. Have fun cooking!

Cooked/Baked today: Oven-Baked Cheese Spaetzle with Fried Eggs
Difficulty: Medium
Preparation Time: 60 minutes
Category: Main Dishes, German Recipes, Traditional Recipes, Recipes with Cheese, Recipes with Eggs, Recipes with Bacon
Our Recipe rating:

Oven-Baked Cheese Spaetzle with Fried Eggs

Oven-Baked Cheese Spaetzle with Fried Eggs

Oven-Baked Cheese Spaetzle with Fried Eggs

Oven-Baked Cheese Spaetzle with Fried Eggs

Ingredients for 4 – 6 servings:

…for spaetzle dough:

  • 500 grams flour
  • 300 milliliters sparkling water
  • 5 medium sized eggs
  • 1 tablespoon salt

…more ingredients:

  • 200 milliliters cream
  • 200 grams bacon bits
  • 200 grams mountain cheese
  • 2 large onion
  • Butter for frying
  • Salt & pepper
  • Chives for garnish

Required kitchen gadgets, helper & preparations:

  • Mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon or hand blender
  • Large pot to cook spaetzle pasta
  • Spaetzle press or spaetzle sieve
  • Skimmer
  • Baking pan
  • Grater for cheese


…for oven-baked cheese spaetzle with freid eggs:

Put 500 grams flour, 5 eggs, 300 milliliters mineral water & 1 tablespoon salt in a mixing bowl & mix with a wooden spoon or a mixer for 2 – 3 minutes to a lump-free dough. Bring a large pot with plenty of salted water to the boil (the water should only simmer slightly) & add the dough in portions to the boiling water using a spaetzle press or spaetzle sieve.

Preparing Spaetzle Pasta

Preparing Spaetzle Pasta

Let the spaetzle simmer briefly in hot water & as soon as they float to the surface they are ready & can be lifted out of the water with a skimmer. Allow the cooked spaetzle to drain briefly & then place them in a large baking pan.

Now process or use up the spaetzle dough completely & put the done spaetzle pasta in the baking dish, then mix with 200 milliliters of cream & set aside until further use.

Tip: If you don’t want to prepare the spaetzle yourself or don’t have the equipment for it, you can also use spaetzle from the refrigerated section or the dried version.

Preheat the oven to 200°C (top/bottom heat). Peel off 2 large onions & roughly chop. Grate 200 grams of mountain cheese with a grater & set aside. Heat up a pan with a piece of butter, add chopped onions and 200 grams of bacon bits to the pan & sauté over medium heat for 3 – 4 minutes, turning occasionally.

Preparing Cheese Spaetzle

Preparing Cheese Spaetzle

Zwiebeln & Speck zu den Spätzle in die Auflaufform geben & unterrühren, alles mit Salz & Pfeffer abschmecken & zum Schluss den geriebenen Käse dazugeben & ebenfalls unter die Spätzle heben. Die Auflaufform anschließend für circa 20 – 25 Minuten in den vorgeheizten Backofen schieben.

Käsespätzle mit Spiegelei Servieren

Käsespätzle mit Spiegelei Servieren

Die Auflaufform aus dem Backofen holen, 4 – 6 Eier in die Backform schlagen & alles für weitere 10 – 15 Minuten in den Backofen schieben bis die Spiegeleier fertig sind. Die Käsespätzle mit Spiegeleiern aus dem Backofen holen & mit fein gehacktem Schnittlauch garniert servieren. Viel Spaß beim Nachkochen!

Video Tutorial:

Watch the video tutorial to see the recipe and the preparation method precisely (German Audio only, English Subtitles available):

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